Veterans Thanksgiving Drive Through
Our Salt Lake Imports team hosted their annual Veterans Thanksgiving Drive through at the Salt Lake VA hospital this year. It was their 5th year conducting the event and is something the employees and veterans look forward to every year.
Our teams of employees assembled 500 Thanksgiving meal bags with all of the nonperishable items that included; Disposable roasting pan, stuffing, instant mashed potatoes, gravy packets, cans of green beans, cans of corn, can of cranberry sauce, Jello boxes, box of cornbread.
Patrons lined up at the VA hospital and our employees handed out the bags of nonperishable food, a frozen turkey, and a pumpkin pie in a drive through style event thanking the veterans for their service and sent them on their way.
Our employees love this event and the opportunity we have to give back to our veterans in a small way.
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